
SnappyRouter provides a basic plugin system allowing you to interject your own code before the router hands off control and after the route has finished.

Note that to interrupt the standard route, the plugin method must throw an exception. The return value of the plugin methods are not used.

Enabling Plugins

Plugins are specified in the configuration under options for each handler. Plugins can be specified as an arbitrary key mapping to the name of the class or as an array with fields for the file and class.

    Config::KEY_HANDLERS => array(
        'MyHandler' => array(
            Config::KEY_CLASS => 'Vendor\\MyNamespace\\Handler\\MyCustomHandler',
            Config::KEY_OPTIONS => array(
                Config::KEY_PLUGINS => array(
                    'RouterHeaderPlugin' => 'Vectorface\\SnappyRouter\\Plugin\\HttpHeader\\RouterHeaderPlugin',
                    'MyCustomPlugin' => array(
                        Config::KEY_CLASS => '\MyCustomPlugin',
                        Config::KEY_FILE  => '/home/user/project/plugins/MyCustomPlugin.php'

Writing your own Plugin

Plugins are very easy to implement, simply extend the class Vectorface\SnappyRouter\Plugin\AbstractPlugin and implement the desired methods.

Note that you do not need to implement all of the methods. You are free to implement only the methods that you care about.



namespace Vendor\MyNamespace\Plugin;

use \Exception;
use Vectorface\SnappyRouter\Handler\AbstractHandler;
use Vectorface\SnappyRouter\Plugin\AbstractPlugin;

class MyPlugin extends AbstractPlugin
    public function afterHandlerSelected(AbstractHandler $handler)
        // perform some logic

    public function afterFullRouteInvoked(AbstractHandler $handler)
        // perform some logic

    public function errorOccurred(AbstractHandler $handler, Exception $exception)
        parent::errorOccurred($handler, $exception);
        // handle an error


The method afterHandlerSelected is invoked after the router has determined the appropriate handler for the route but before the actual route is invoked.

This method provides an opportunity for initializing code before your actual route is invoked or stopping the route entirely (by throwing an exception).

An example demonstrating interrupting a route based on custom logic.

    public function afterHandlerSelected(AbstractHandler $handler)
        if ($handler instanceof MyCustomHandler) {
            $authentication = $this->get('authentication');
            if ($authentication->isAuthorized() === false) {
                throw new UnauthorizedException('Authorization not valid.');


The method afterFullRouteInvoked is (unsurprisingly) invoked after the router has invoked the route. This method is primarily to allow for clean up, logging, etc.

An example demonstrating a specific call being logged.

    public function afterFullRouteInvoked(AbstractHandler $handler)
        if ($handler instanceof MyCustomHandler) {
            $request = $handler->getRequest();
            if ($request->getController() === 'SomeController' &&
                $request->getAction()     === 'SomeAction') {
                $this->get('logger')->log('SomeAction was invoked.');