Pattern Match Handler

Direct pattern matching in SnappyRouter is supported by the pattern match handler. Similar to many other popular routers, the routing configuration is specified as a list of regular expression patterns mapping to callback functions.

An example configuration:


use Vectorface\SnappyRouter\Config\Config;
use Vectorface\SnappyRouter\Handler\PatternMatchHandler;

$config = new Config(array(
    Config::KEY_HANDLERS => array(
        'PatternHandler' => array(
            Config::KEY_CLASS => 'Vectorface\\SnappyRouter\\Handler\\PatternMatchHandler',
            Config::KEY_OPTIONS => array(
                PatternMatchHandler::KEY_ROUTES => array(
                    '/users/{name}/{id:[0-9]+}' => array(
                        'get' => function ($routeParams) {
                            // invoked only for GET calls
                        'post' => function ($routeParams) {
                            // invoked only for POST calls
                    '/users' => function($routeParams) {
                        // invoked for all HTTP verbs
$router = new Vectorface\SnappyRouter\SnappyRouter($config);
echo $router->handleRoute();

Specifying Routes

Routes are listed as arrays using regular expressions with named parameters. For documentation on the individual patterns see the FastRoute library. The routes must be specified in the options of the handler.

The patterns should be listed as the keys to the array and must map to a callable function or another array with HTTP verbs as keys.


A route using the same callback for all HTTP verbs.

    PatternMatchHandler::KEY_ROUTES => array(
        '/api/{version}/{controller}/{action}' => function ($routeParams) {
            // invoked for all HTTP verbs

A route specifiying individual HTTP verbs.

    PatternMatchHandler::KEY_ROUTES => array(
        '/api/{version}/{controller}/{action}' => array(
            'get' => function ($routeParams) {
                // handle GET requests
            'post' => function ($routeParams) {
                // handle POST requests
            'put' => function ($routeParams) {
                // handle PUT requests
            'delete' => function ($routeParams) {
                // handle DELETE requests
            'options' => function ($routeParams) {
                // handle OPTIONS requests
            'head' => function ($routeParams) {
                // handle HEAD requests